Who is Jim Acosta dating? Jim Acosta girlfriend, wife

Jim AcostaAmerican TV News 00 Who is he dating right now? According to our records, Jim Acosta is possibly single. Jim Acosta was previously married to Sharon Mobley Stow (1994 - 2017). Jim Acosta is a 52 year old American TV News. Born Abilio James Acosta on 17th April, 1971 in Washington, District of Columbia,

Jim Acosta

Jim Acosta  American TV News


Whois hedating right now?

According to our records, Jim Acosta is possibly single.


Jim Acosta was previously married to Sharon Mobley Stow (1994 - 2017).


Jim Acosta is a 52 year old American TV News. Born Abilio James Acosta on 17th April, 1971 in Washington, District of Columbia, USA, he is famous for The Situation Room. His zodiac sign is Aries.

Relationship Statistics

Married123 years, 6 months--
Total123 years, 6 months--


First NameJim
Last NameAcosta
Full Name at BirthAbilio James Acosta
Alternative NameJim
Birthday17th April, 1971
BirthplaceWashington, District of Columbia, USA
Height5' 9" (175 cm)
Eye ColorBrown - Dark
Hair ColorSalt and Pepper
Zodiac SignAries
UniversityJames Madison University
Occupation TextJournalist
OccupationTV News
Claim to FameThe Situation Room
Official Websiteshttp://www.cnn.com/profiles/jim-acosta-profile

Abilio James Acosta (born April 17, 1971) is an American journalist and the chief White House correspondent for CNN. Previously, Acosta served as the national political correspondent for CNN.

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