A classic mid-2010s kids’ film starring one of Hollywood’s most divisive comedians is unexpectedly trending on Netflix today. Louis C.K. stars in The Secret Life of Pets, which rests comfortably in Netflix’s global top 10 list.
Recommended VideosThe Secret Life of Pets, released in 2016, follows a New York City crew of talking cats and dogs who hang out when their human owners are out of sight. Louis C.K. plays a Jack Russel Terrier who goes head-to-head against the Flushed Pets, a group of mistreated strays who have turned their back on humanity. The film smashed its $75 million budget on release, earning nearly ten times back and landing a 2019 sequel, The Secret Life of Pets 2.
FlixPatrol reports The Secret Life of Pets remains Netflix’s fifth most popular film worldwide today. The flick leads in Bolivia, Finland, Iceland, and Mexico, while ranking at 8th in the U.K.
Louis C.K.’s kids’ film may be dominating Netflix globally, but the movie’s streaming success may be in spite of the actor, not on account of him. In 2017, C.K. was accused of sexual harassment by multiple women claiming the actor would engage in unwanted sexual conduct in their vicinity. Four years later, the Louie star has attempted a comeback stand-up tour to equally controversial reception. Audiences have given him a standing ovation, as The Daily Beast reports, but not everyone is happy about his return. One Wisconsin feminist organization even vowed to protest his tour.
Regardless, The Secret Life of Pets may outlast the comedian’s tarnished reputation. Only the top 10 will tell.